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Preparing Your Screen Enclosure for a Hurricane

Living in Florida, you can expect sunny days and warm temperatures, relaxed poolside activities, and sometimes….hurricanes. Though this unwelcome weather phenomenon sometimes happens, being prepared can minimize damages and maximize recovery after the storm. Many people know how to prepare their house or boat, but it is often overlooked when preparing your screen enclosure for a hurricane.

At Absolute Aluminum, we pride ourselves on offering the highest quality products and services for outdoor living needs. We want you to be able to enjoy your screen enclosure for years to come. That’s why we are offering you these tried and true tips for preparing your screen enclosure for a hurricane.

How Do I Prepare My Screen Enclosure for a Hurricane?

Preparing your screen enclosure for a hurricane goes beyond the enclosure itself. Consider your pool, equipment, outdoor furnishing, and an extension of your screen enclosure when making hurricane preparations.

  • Often, pool screen enclosures are damaged due to weather, such as hurricane-force winds, because of inadequate bracing. Wind bracing can reinforce the structural integrity of the enclosure and can effectively minimize damage, including withstanding hurricanes. Engineers use a variety of methods for wind bracing, and it is key to ensure that all components are in good working condition. If you are unsure if your bracing is adequate, call the professionals at Absolute Aluminum with concerns or questions.
  • Create a path for airflow during a storm. Because debris can often cause the mesh to become clogged, you can remove the screens or doors from the enclosure. This can help reduce the strain from the wind that might ultimately tear or damage the material.
  • Do some housekeeping around your pool. Remove and store objects like lawn furniture, grills, and other outdoor accessories. If lifted and thrown against your enclosure, these objects can cause significant damage. Store them in a garage or basement until the storm passes.
  • Perform some landscaping on the areas close to the enclosure. Dead trees or branches can do much damage when picked up by hurricane-force winds.
  • Take care of your pool. You want to shut off your pool for the storm’s duration but do not drain it. Cover and secure your pool equipment and give it an extra dose of chlorine since it may get dirt and debris thrown into it during the storm.

Do I Need a New Screen Enclosure?

If your pool enclosure does get damaged during a storm, it may be difficult to determine if you need to repair or replace your existing enclosure. We recommend you call our experts to assess the damage and make recommendations. In addition to the amount of damage, other things to consider are:

Age of Screen Enclosure

If your enclosure is older, you may need a replacement anyway. Screen enclosures can last for several years, depending on the quality of the product, the quality of the installation, and the general maintenance that has been done.

Wear of Screen Enclosure

Prior storms, inadequate maintenance, or lesser-quality materials may accelerate the wear of your screen enclosure. Our climate can also cause rusting and corrosion that can add to wear.

Potential Repercussions in the Event of Destruction

If your enclosure has wear, is older, or has been badly damaged, consider if a repair would be enough to withstand another similar storm. If you opt for less expensive repairs, if it does not handle another storm, you may want to consider an inevitable replacement.

In Need of a New Screen Enclosure or Repair? Contact the Experts at Absolute Aluminum to Help You Today!

Only an expert in screened pool enclosures can answer all your questions and adequately and professionally assess any damages. Our professionals can work with your home and pool design, your family’s needs, and work with your budget. Contact us today to find out more!